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Making the Most of Airflow

Posted on:April 23, 2023 (11 min read)


Open ToC

◽️ Shades of Grey

In my last post, 🌶️ Hot Takes on the Modern Data Stack, I presented my opinions in a raw, unfiltered format, opting for starkness & contrast over nuance. Of course, the truth is rarely black and white— often just a shade of grey. While “hot takes” are fun and generate a buzz, they might not tell the whole story.

One specific point of contention was Apache Airflow.

My perspective is one of a solo data guy on a small team. We have minimal tech debt and our current tools can easily be migrated— what a luxury! It’s obvious Airflow isn’t a top choice. There are so many tools that can move faster, have better support, or come with advanced functionality.

For many, however, this is not reality. Perhaps you’re on an established team with hundreds of DAGs or your org is one of many using hosted Airflow, which is available on every major cloud provider (Amazon / Google / Azure). In the words of Annath at Data Engineering Weekly: “[sometimes] a known devil is better than an unknown [one].”

Due to the popularity, adoption, and momentum of Airflow, it will be around for years, if not decades, regardless of competition. For the same reasons, understanding how Airflow works can be a game-changer for data engineers— up-skilling popular tools improves marketability and potential impact.

A few weeks ago, I sat down with Daniel Imberman of Astronomer, who walked me through some features of their AstroSDK, which I found quite helpful. While I was writing this post, Jake Watson reached out about a similar peice. I agree with many of Jake’s points and hope to extend his argument on why Airflow “sometimes wins.”

My goal this week is to give Airflow a fair shake 🧂 and talk about how you can make the most of your Airflow deployment to build robust, production-ready DAGs.

👨🏻‍🔬 Let’s Make the Most of It

If you’ve read this far, you’re either using Airflow or going forward with an implementation… 😬

Not to fear!

Quite a bit has changed in the last few versions— though the TaskFlow API was released in December 2020, the Airflow team has continued to provide improved functionality that competes with newer orchestrators (Dagster, Prefect, Mage) on a number of fronts, fixing bugs and expanding the scope of Dynamic Task Mapping.

Much of this new functionality can be used to provide a smoother experience during development and improve code testability. Coupled with some external tools, we can make the most of Airflow by adhering to best practices.

Here are a few common Airflow problems & my proposed solutions.

🏗️ DAG Structure

I think one of the most important aspects of DAG creation is structure— DAGs should be standardized as much as possible, prioritizing readability and consistency.

Perhaps the biggest weakness of Airflow is also its biggest strength: possibility. Airflow revolutionized orchestration by providing engineers with a blank canvas— a .py file where they could do whatever they want. Unfortunately, it was introduced without any framework for modularity or testing.

The result? Without the discipline and rigor to standardize a deployment, DAGs can quickly turn into untested scripts.

Solution: TaskFlow & DAG Templates

Simply using TaskFlow is a great start! With the new structure, readability is greatly improved. In my own projects, I start from a template— pretty much every job follows an extract-transform-load pattern that can be mapped to a few tasks. If not, the beauty of Airflow is mutability, but starting from basic, familiar components will reduce the complexity of your DAGs and make them easier to interpret.

Here’s my basic DAG template for a classic ETL job:

import datetime
import logging
from airflow.operators.empty import EmptyOperator
from airflow.decorators import dag, task, task_group
from import S3Hook

S3_BUCKET = Variable.get("S3_BUCKET", default_var=None)

logger = logging.getLogger("airflow.task")

default_args = {
    "owner": "data-engineering",
    "retries": 1,
    "retry_delay": datetime.timedelta(minutes=1),
    "trigger_rule": "all_success",

    start_date=datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 1),
    description="This is a template DAG— it's the wild west! 🤠",
def dag_name():
    def extract(**context):

    def transform(**context):

    def load(**context):

    start = EmptyOperator(task_id="start")
    end = EmptyOperator(task_id="end")

    start >> extract() >> transform() >> load() >> end

dag_name = dag_name()

# If you found this code useful, follow for more!

Consider storing something similar in your project or if you’re fancy, building the template into a VSCode Snippet. We’ll talk more about development environments later. This can get more complex as your team grows, but the best solution will be to introduce modularity into your Airflow project, as we’ll discuss shortly.

Solution: Linting

Though linting will not solve all problems, consider a solution like Black for keeping your .py files in check. Black is the golden standard of Python linting packages, bringing a pragmatic, functional format to your code.

Using a formatter directly improves the readability of your code and creates a smooth experience for every developer on your team. Black formatted code looks the same, regardless of the project you’re reading. Though nothing needs to be configured with Black, it can be configured via a pyproject.toml file.

I’ve been using Black in my projects, both personal and professional, for the past few years and it’s made a world of difference. If you’re not using a code formatter, I highly recommend it— for the sanity of everyone involved. 😀

🏜️ DRY Code

Perhaps one of the trickiest things with a blank canvas like Airflow— users are left on their own to manage code reusability. DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) is a principle of software development, aimed at reducing redundancy and abstracting common code.

As Jake Watson notes in Why Airflow (Sometimes) Wins:

Airflow operators are amazing as they are free with the Airflow service, and there are over 1000 operators to choose from. On the other, they are not as modular as they could be especially when it comes to data copying.

So we need some way to improve operator modularity, which is specific to each use case. Ideally, this would look like defining packages and functions for common hooks/tasks: reading an object from S3, writing to parquet, etc. Practically, it ends up not happening at all or falling apart during parallel development.

Solution: External Libraries & Airflow Tasks-as-a-Service (ATaaS)

While the issue of DRY-ness can be addressed with an in-house/DIY solution, who has time for that? The AstroSDK is a good example of a framework that makes DRY code straightforward. An observant reader might notice the available functions fit into the framework I outlined above (we might be on to something!)

By abstracting away some raw Python, the SDK allows users to simply and quickly define functions to:

No more fiddling with S3Hooks or storing BytesIO objects (which ALWAYS befuddles me). Instead, we can take the Data Architecture as a Service (DAaaS) approach and apply it to Airflow Tasks. (ATaaS? 🤔)

DAaaS applies mainly to the transformation (warehouse) layer, but operates under a building block approach— architects design SQL patterns that can be implemented by a wide audience, eliminating bottlenecks. We can do the same with Airflow— start with the building blocks of a DAG instead of the DAG itself!

Define reusable imports to do things like write, read, and transform data using the AstroSDK, then pull those task “blocks” into your DAGs. Note that Astro’s framework simplifies the process of transforming DAGs as well, by minimizing the friction to transforming in either SQL or Python.

By following this pattern, you’ll improve the DRY-ness of your code and improve the efficacy of your data team:

These features are things new tools like Mage or Dagster do exceptionally well— they allow “architects” to create reusable blocks of code that are then stitched together by downstream users. Even better, their user-friendly GUIs and testing frameworks come out of the box.

For those in Airflow-land, however, the AstroSDK is a great way to implement similar functionality on your own.

🧪 Testing

DAGs can be incredibly complex— at each step (task), the number of unknowns multiply. Now imagine 100… or 1000… all running nightly. It’s not hard to envision yourself on-call at 3 A.M. looking like this:

Trying to solve every problem concurrently is overwhelming and, quite frankly, not possible (my brain can’t parallelize and autoscale, unfortunately 🤖). We need to start from first principles: break the problem down and tackle it at the source.

Solution: Implement unit tests, assertions, & break-points.

Unit tests allow us to be sure each component of a DAG is working exactly as we’d expect.

Using DRY code makes testing easier since there are fewer unique functions to test! Best of all, coverage is guaranteed when tested code is reused. It’s best to write tests for hooks, operators, and other commonly used pieces of logic in your DAG.

With the Airflow 2.5.0, we can:

Additionally, via the Airflow 2.5.0 release notes:

Task logs are visible right there in the console, instead of hidden away inside the task log files b. It is about an order of magnitude quicker to run the tasks than before (i.e. it gets to running the task code so much quicker) c. Everything runs in one process, so you can put a breakpoint in your IDE, and configure it to run airflow dags test <mydag> then debug code!

Using the new testing framework, you can mock inputs, like execution date, connections, and configs, from the command line. This is as simple as adding an if __name__ == "__main__": to the bottom of your DAG— you can then pass inputs using the .test() method, for example:


dag_obj = my_dag()

if __name__ == "__main__":
  conn_path = "connections.yaml"
  variables_path = "variables.yaml"
  overwrite = True

    execution_date=datetime(2023, 1, 1),
    run_conf={'overwrite': overwrite}
# If you found this code useful, follow for more!

Once again, Astronomer has a great guide. Tying these all together, we have a robust framework for improving code reusability and test coverage while minimizing the time to failure by introducing breakpoints and leveraging airflow dags test.

🎁 Wrap-up

🔄 Embrace iteration

In summary, Airflow, while not for everyone, can be used as an effective data orchestration/ELT tool. To do so, I recommend:

Each of the above works to streamline the development process, reduce bottlenecks, and improve the developer feedback loop: embracing iteration in Airflow.

The goal in building any new piece of code should be to reach failure as fast as possible. Getting down to the root of the issue with minimal friction will allow you to spend more time doing fun stuff (building solutions) and less time trying to recreate errors.

Optimizing for the speed of failure can drastically improve your efficiency, creating more value and unlocking the power of your data team. The slow feedback loop is one of my biggest qualms with Airflow. Luckily, unlike the unfortunate XCom backend, it’s something we can fix (or at least try to). 🤣

🚪 Closing

There’s no such thing as a perfect solution. Unfortunately, even a great tool can be blocked by dogma, politics, technical debt, security constraints, and deployment considerations.

Airflow, like dbt, was the first tool of its kind and revolutionized data engineering. As a result of its popularity, many subsequent tools have built upon its strengths and minimized its flaws. Still, the momentum and ubiquity of Airflow make it the de-facto choice. Broad adoption means that understanding Airflow is essential— it will be around for quite some time.

Today, many opinions are presented without nuance or balance. I hope that this article provided a sufficient deep dive to explore just how a tool like Airflow can be used effectively, providing a balanced perspective. Sometimes, “good enough” is better than “not at all.”

Until next time! ✌️

NOTE: I have no affiliation with Astronomer. Their SDK is a useful extension of Airflow. Unfortunately, the incentives of companies that profit from open-source libraries are complex and vague. I can not comment on their motivations, but I imagine they have a biased perspective. Nonetheless, everyone I’ve spoken with at Astronomer has been helpful and nice.